A Night of Study Devoted to Healing the World
Come and Hear deep teachings from members of Or Ahavah and from Rabbi Deb.
Saturday Night, June 4th, 7:30 p.m., on Zoom
Here is the amazing line-up of teachers and teachings for Tikkun Leil Shavuot.
- Marsha Shulman: Integrity in the Torah
- Joy Katzen-Guthrie: The Book of Ruth as shown in art over the centuries
- Philip Shenefelt: String Theory as reflected in Kabbalah
- Olivia DelValle: Heartfelt Psalms
- Rabbi Deb: Or Ahavah as a New Hasidic community
If you would like to join us, RSVP to Orahavahtampa@gmail.com by Thursday night, June 2nd, and a zoom link with be sent to you.